How To Use a Text 4 Info Text Marketing Account

What is a Text for Info Account?

As mentioned above, a text for info account is wholly an information-only account, but with one condition. Text for info accounts can only send messages via the auto-responder and have all send Read more

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How To Use Giveaways to Get Subscribers

Sweepstakes, Contests, and Lotteries

People often mistake what a giveaway is classified as. There are 3 main types of giveaways: sweepstakes, contests, and lotteries. We felt it important to discuss the differences of these classes of giveaways, because there Read more

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How To Track Mobile Coupon Conversion

Mobile Coupon Redemption

There are several reasons why a business would want to track coupon redemption, most prominent reason being they don’t want customers getting their specials multiple times. Depending on the campaign, multiple coupon redemption by a customer Read more

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How To Increase Traffic on a Slow Day Using Mobile Marketing

Text message marketing can provide a very timely increase to the traffic of your business on a slow day. There is 1 simple trick you can use to increase your traffic on a slow day using mobile marketing Read more

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How To Create a Mobile-Coupon Campaign

The Purpose of Coupons

If you look up “coupon” in the dictionary, you are likely to read a definition that has something to do with a detachable portion of a print advertising that can be redeemed for obtaining a Read more

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How To Gather Mobile Marketing Subscribers

The last article in this series explained the need for proper advertising of a mobile marketing campaign. We won’t say anything further on advertising, and if you would like to learn more about mobile marketing advertising please read our Read more

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How To Advertise a Mobile Marketing Campaign

Utilize Existing Advertising to Promote Your SMS Campaign

Businesses use many different forms of advertising and each of these can be used to promote the SMS marketing campaign. Some ideas for different places you can advertise your call-to-action is:

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